natural dyed modernist abstract contemporary textile art "beneath the surface" by g roslie

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natural dyed modernist abstract contemporary textile art "beneath the surface" by g roslie


g. roslie’s natural dyed textile art

my aim is to create a sense of peace, calm & contemplative reflection through the work i do both for myself as the maker and for the viewer. i hope you enjoy my offering. /|\

beneath the surface

14 h x 10.5 w”

natural dyed linen, cut & sewn on wood hanger

g’s textile art are made from naturally hand dyed european linens. the reverse side is solid organic cotton muslin. a square wooden dowel slips into a pocket sewn on the back of the textile art making hanging a breeze.

note: please keep all naturally dyed textile away from direct exposure to sunlight or harsh artificial light as well as any excessive moisture or dry air/heat to prevent premature fading & degrading of fabric.

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