natural dyed modernist abstract contemporary textile art "goldenstate" by g roslie

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natural dyed modernist abstract contemporary textile art "goldenstate" by g roslie


g. roslie’s ModScape - ‘goldenstate’

each one-of-a-kind ModScape textile art is conceived as a visual experience of a natural landscape found wandering the earth, memorized in the mind’s eye or by photograph & re-imagined into a modernist abstract textile art combining my love of natural places, natural dyeing, textiles, modern design & art. my aim is to create a sense of peace, calm & contemplative reflection through the work i do both for myself as the maker and you as the viewer.

:goldenstate - part of a series titled ‘westering: 101-1’ capturing the scenic landscapes & seascapes of the west coast, these ‘framed’ pieces give a sense of looking out a picture window to the immense beauty of the natural world, especially ones that feel untouched by the human hand.

the poppies send up their

orange flares; swaying

in the wind, their congregations

are a levitation

of bright dust, of thin

and lacy leaves.

there isn’t a place

in this world that doesn’t

sooner or later drown

in the indigos of darkness,

but now, for a while,

the roughage

shines like a miracle

as it floats above everything

with its yellow hair.

of course nothing stops the cold,

black, curved blade

from hooking forward—

of course

loss is the great lesson.

but i also say this: that light

is an invitation

to happiness,

and that happiness,

when it’s done right,

is a kind of holiness,

palpable and redemptive.

inside the bright fields,

touched by their rough and spongy gold,

i am washed and washed

in the river

of earthly delight—

and what are you going to do—

what can you do

about it—

deep, blue night?

~mary oliver

16” x 26”

natural dyed linen, wood hanger

g’s textile art are made from naturally hand dyed european linens. the reverse side is solid organic cotton muslin. a solid square wooden dowel slips into a pocket sewn on the back of the textile art making hanging a breeze & is included with purchase.

note: please keep all naturally dyed textile away from direct exposure to sunlight or harsh artificial light to prevent premature fading & degrading of fabric.

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